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The transportation of hydrocarbons is critical to the energy security of the United States, Canada, and many other sovereign nations around the world. However, the inadequate treatment and poor corrosion inhibition of our pipeline networks have resulted in economic and environmental catastrophes for the midstream industry. Neptune works with our midstream partners in developing solutions that meet or exceed their needs to ensure their operations operate as planned.
Corrosion Inhibition
Neptune ID ASTM

Corrosion in pipelines was labeled as the number one cause of pipeline failures by the Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. The importance of properly selecting and applying corrosion inhibitors is paramount to the success in your operations. Whether moving sweet or sour crude or gas, Neptune has the knowledge and ability to develop solutions to meet your needs.

Pipeline Paraffin

Paraffin is a major component in crude oil, and typically includes the acyclic, saturated alkanes consisting of C15 or higher. It can also cause major plugging issues, as well as facilitate corrosion. While pigging removes the paraffin build up, it does not remove the micro-environments. Neptune has novel paraffin inhibitors and cleaners to prevent and remove paraffins from the pipeline while preventing corrosion from occurring.

Neptune biofilm removal

A major cause of corrosion in crude and gas pipelines is MIC (microbially influenced corrosion). The bacteria adhere to the interior of the pipe and create a biofilm. This biofilm protects the bacteria, allowing them to create a microenvironment with very low pH, high H2S, and high corrosion rates. Neptune mitigates these issues through biodispersants which prevent bacteria from attaching to the pipe, keeping it free from MIC.

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